Cool Weather Crop

Kale has so many different verities. Curly green, curly purple, Red Russian, Redbor, Toscano or “dino” kale and several versions of ornamental. All are edible but the ornamental are not recommended.
Kale is a hardy cool to cold weather leafy green that can be grown through the Winter in many location and particularly the Texas mild Winters. It really likes cold but will grow well in cool!
FALL CROP: Start seedlings as above in May and transplant to the garden in June–July. To ensure mature heads, seed the crop early in areas where heavy freezes occur early in fall.
WINTER CROP:Successful kale crops can be grown where winters are mild and temperatures rarely fall below 32°F (0°C). Transplants can be set out from September to February in these regions.
DISEASES:Adhere to (1) long crop rotations with non-brassica crops, (2) clean starting mixes and outdoor seedbeds, and (3) strict sanitation practices.

INSECT PESTS:Brassicas are prone to pests more than most leafy greens but kale is the least effected brassica. Cabbage worms love brassicas and they tend to be very small green worms on the underside of the leaves. They grow fast so get to them ASAP. Smash or remove from leaf. Apply row covers at the time of planting to exclude pests from the crop. Control cabbage worms and loopers with Bacillus Thuringiensis or BT..
HARVEST: Beginning about 2 months after planting, harvest by clipping individual leaves. Kale is very hardy, and the eating quality will improve into the late fall with light frost.
Kale can be considered a cut and come again leavy green crop in home gardens
