Root Crop

Radish is a fast growing cool season crop. Radish packs a powerful flavor punch to many dishes and the bright colors are favorite culinary garnishes. Radish can be direct sown and can be succession planted every 20 days or so for continuous harvest. There are round verities that most of us know about but the “French” radish has been a staple in chef kitchens for many years. It is long rather than round. Asian green verities are full of interesting flavor as well for a gardener with some adventure and extra space to grow test crops.

Health benefits of Radish:
As with most root crops it is a loaded with potassium and great source of fiber. For fiber intake if you eat it as part of your daily meals, without going overboard of course, radish also provides your system with ample roughage therefore improving digestion.The long term understanding of radish health benefits include actually helping to cleanse our liver and stomach, or detoxifying. Black radish and its leaves have been used for the longest time to treat jaundice because it can get rid of excess bilirubin build up. ( a natural process in the the blood stream) The detoxifying properties of radish have been studied to keep hypothyroidism in check too, thanks to its sulphur content.
